Features Of KidKonnect School App

Right changes in working style is always beneficial and inspiring. We make everything fall in place.

Our online school management system provides benefits to the school management, teachers and kids. We have received excellent review from our clients and are in a constant endeavor to provide a school management software at the right cost in India.


Define your goals, objectives & timelines. It helps you to hold people responsible for their job. Important is precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of file, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and saving organization cost.

KidKonnect is a key to 99% of all your successful efforts.

Our online school management system will help you with a number of administrative tasks. Use kidkonnect to organize and manage various tasks as well as to provide seamless communication between parents, teachers and management. Feel free to ask for a demo of our online school management system to see how it will benefit you in managing your school.


This module enables the admin to manage all Staff profiles. All staff details can be accessed at a single click and this eliminates the need to store papers/files.
The exact count and the designations of all Staff members is easily accessible.
This module also stores the walk ins and resumes which can help the management in the future in case of any vacancies.


Maintaining student data year after year is a very difficult job which takes a lot of man hours and results in a waste of paper/money/time while indirectly hitting the environment.
Get student data/profiles and manage their documents.
Saving certificate and documents in paper form will take up space and time. Searching for documents will also take up time and requires intense manual work. Kidkonnect provides a paperless solution where any of the data can be accessed at a click.
Kidkonnect specifically shows at any given time girls-boys ratio in the school which can also help the institute to promote girl education.

Admission Enquiry

Admission enquiries can be translated into business for various schools but that isn’t the case normally because the details of the enquiries are not systematically saved and followed up. This results in a decreased conversion rate for the enquiries.
Manage the admission enquiries and parent data to increase communication with the parents and increase the conversion rate.
The moment there is an admission enquiry at your school, Kidkonnect will automatically welcome the person enquiring with instant greetings which gives a very positive impact and leaves a good impression of the school management.


Kidkonnect makes it easier to manage the fees data and also helps the school generate fee receipts.
The school owner can also get the accurate ’Fee pending and collection’ report which is not possible if done manually. With the help of Kidkonnect the admin checks the total fees to be collected, received fees and balance fees at any time.
The parents can see the balance fees on their mobile application.
For every school, fees are private data which cannot be disclosed to every person. Kidkonnect lets only the people assigned with this right, access the fee data.
This module also provides a transaction log which helps the admin to check or keep a track on the changes made in the fees amount and tracks the individual who has made the changes.
Once the fees are paid the parents are intimated about the same via SMS.
The fees module also calculates the late fees and schedules the date, where if the fees are not paid then late fees is applied automatically.

Meal Calendar

In preschools, it is necessary to check and maintain the nutrition of each child. This module helps inform and update the parents in advance about the food which is required to be consumed by their child the next day so that there is no last-minute hassle.
The school can also consult a particular doctor to prepare the meal calendar keeping daily nutritional requirements in mind.
This will make the parents feel that the school management is personally involved in the students’ wellbeing.

Insta Alert

It is very difficult to call every parent during an emergency or declare a last-minute holiday. Due to this, parents usually suffer and blame the school for not giving them any notice.
But with the help of Kidkonnect, the parents will get push notification and SMS about emergency holidays or change in schedule.
The school can also use this function for the fees reminder which will make collection of fees much easier.
For the admin, this module also stores a recorded proof where if required the same can be accessed in future.


This module helps to connect with parents who do not have smartphones in addition to the parents who actively use our app.
Notifications and alerts can be sent by SMS to all or selected parents at a cheaper cost.
The SMS is sent to both the primary and secondary number.
The SMS logs enable the admin to keep a check on the consumption & count of SMS and refill the SMS much before the limit is over.

Feedback Box

"Our happy parents will surely recommend your school to others".
It is a day to day communication module using which parents & teachers can voice their concerns to each other.
Feedback module keeps the communication confidential and privacy is maintained.


With the help of Kidkonnect, the school can generate multiple certificates instantly.
The school now can get certificates and ID cards generated in house.
This is beneficial for several reasons. When students join school mid-year, the school can immediately get ID cards ready.
Parents/students are thrilled to be appreciated for their participation/success in various activities. Certificates can be provided as soon as the activity is done.
Normally schools pay a very huge amount to the vendor for the printing of certificates. Keeping the certificate printing In-house keeps the cost low for the school and multiple templates are available for different activities.
With just 4 steps the certificates can be generated.
The school can now generate Mark sheets of individual student for a year and can print it.


Maintaining the track record of school inventory for the incoming and outgoing of the stock is a tedious task because it is delivered to parents/students or teachers only when it is approved by the owner of the school.
Most of the time the school faces issues of misplacement or misuse of products where a loss is incurred by the school.
By using Kidkonnect the school can keep a check on it inventory, know which parent/Staff has used up what stock, keep an eye on anything that needs to be returned or replenished.

Bus Tracking

Parents give a high value to bus tracking as they are always concerned about their child’s security. Bus tracking systems require a huge investment as they require expensive devices.
Instead Kidkonnect provides a free and easy solution. Our GPS tracking service require no expensive equipment.

Daycare Billing

Kidkonnect helps the school to keep a record of in and out time of the students in daycare. Teachers enter it and parents see it straight away on their app.
This helps avoid the possibility of dispute between teachers and parents about the timing.

Birthday Reminder

Kidkonnect helps you to send birthday greetings to students and teachers on single click.

Log Issues

Our aim is to give you the best service and unlike other services we provide different ways of resolving issues, one of which is this module.
This module enables the school to register any issues/complaints they have and then keep a track on the status of the same till they are resolved.